
Second European DPI project proposal

29 June 2012

EU project proposal self-healing innovative elastomers (SHINE) has been invited to take part in the final negotiations for funding from the European Commission. This proposal forms part of the Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 2012 call of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) from which 40 project proposals have been invited for the final negotiations.

The Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) coordinates EU projects to create added value for its own industrial partners, also being part of the SHINE consortium, or to create added value for prospect industrial partners. The industrials partners always define the technological scope of the EU project. ‘SHINE' explores different self-healing material technologies in one project where DPI will act as an independent coordinator. The anticipated start of the EU project is early 2013.

The project ‘SHINE' aims to develop self-healing elastomers for dynamic seals, damping and noise reduction. It considers the concept based on covalent and non-covalent bonding which can provide a repeatable healing response as a result of reversible reactivity. SHINE will investigate both the healing mechanisms of pure elastomers and composites made of elastomers. The methods for the design of this type of elastomers, tailor made fillers and self-healing composites are given in a systematic manner. The SHINE project aims at developing elastomers having mechanical properties comparable to conventional ones (with 60% recovery of the initial properties after healing), repeatable self-healing (preventive versus curative healing), operable at room temperature without human intervention. When successful the impact of the SHINE project will reduce transportation costs by reducing maintenance burden of infrastructures, as shown by the cost/benefit analysis.


The overall impact could be remarkable because the expected impacts are threefold:

- economic impact: long-lasting, costs-saving seals for vehicles, heavy-duty seals for wind turbines, vibration abatement systems for roads and bridges, noise abatement systems, asphalt mixtures.

- social impact: increase of reliability, enhancement of safety, reduction of accidents.
- environmental impact: reduction of maintenance costs, savings of energy, cuts in pollutants.

The consortium consist of two universities, four research centres, four large industries and two SMEs. The partners will combine their expertise and competences to develop innovative self-healing elastomers.
