Friday 22 November the thesis defence of Diego Wever will take place at the University of Groningen. In his thesis titled "Synthesis and evaluation of novel linear and branched polyacrylamides for enhanced oil recovery" Diego describes novel highly branched polyacrylamides that offer improvements over existing linear polymers for enhanced oil recovery. This thesis is the first in the new DPI Technology Area of Polymers for EOR. Currently the industrial participants in this area are Shell and SNF Floerger. Academic participants are University of Groningen and Technical University of Delft. Three projects related to synthesis, characterisation and modelling of polymers for EOR are currently active in this Technology Area and preparations are in hand to start an additional project on polymer adsorption.
More information on the work of Diego can be found here.
First thesis defense in new DPI area Polymers for Enhanced Oil Recovery
20 November 2012