
Call for Fellows of DPI 2009

16 June 2009

DPI aims at securing relevant long-term pre-competitive polymer science and education for its industrial partners. With the DPI Fellowship as one of the instruments, DPI wants to develop young, talented academics with a tenured or tenure track position at Dutch Universities partnering with the DPI. DPI will stimulate and guide the Fellow to develop scientific leadership skills within an area matching with the current or future DPI strategy. DPI Fellows are foreseen to become long term ambassadors of industrially oriented, pre-competitive fundamental research. Furthermore, they are expected to be opinion leaders in their fields to the benefit of DPI and therefore the Dutch polymer community. DPI will appoint two Fellows once every four years. Fellows receive a research grant of maximum one million euro for four years in order to carry out the research programme that they propose to DPI.   

Eligibility for taking part in the DPI Fellowship Programme is restricted to researchers in polymer science and technology related areas, within 10 years after obtaining a PhD degree at the deadline of this call, and who have proven to be capable of internationally recognized, excellent scientific work. Candidates must have an employment contract with a Dutch University before being appointed  

One Fellowship position can be granted in the “Call for Fellows of the DPI 2009”.   

The DPI decision on the Fellowship granting will be published by end of December 2009.    

Requirements for submitting proposals to the DPI Fellowship Programme


Phase 1: Submission of the pre-proposal

Researchers interested in becoming a DPI Fellow should:

  • Submit a detailed CV and publication list
  • Notify their faculty on the submission for a DPI Fellowship  
  • Submit a pre-proposal (one-pager), which outlines the proposed research by July 20th 2009
  • Suggest five independent referees (name, phone number and e-mail address), who are qualified to review your proposal. Note that referees might be consulted in phase 2 of the selection process

All submitted pre-proposals will be reviewed by a DPI expert panel. By end of September 2009 a maximum of four candidates will be invited to submit a full-proposal to DPI.


Phase 2 submission of the full-proposal

  • Selected candidates should submit a full-proposal of the size indicated  in Appendix 1
  • The faculty nominates the candidate on the basis of the research proposal, CV and potential additional information. The faculty has to confirm that the candidate has a tenured or tenure track position, and it has to give the considerations underlying the nomination (support letter by the applicable University/Faculty board)
  • The full-proposal and faculty support letter must be submitted before November 1st 2009

A DPI panel of experts and external referees will review the full-proposals. By End of December 2009 DPI will announce the DPI Fellow.  The selection process takes into account the credentials of the candidate and the quality of the proposal. The selection procedure consists of following steps:

  • Review and selection of the candidate based on the CV, publication list and pre-proposal by the DPI panel of experts
  • Review and selection of the full-proposal based on scientific quality by an independent panel of international experts and the DPI panel of experts
  • The DPI Supervisory board grants the Fellowship based on the advice by the above mentioned panels

Proposals have to be sent to the Executive Board of DPI, PO Box 902, 5600 AX Eindhoven. The deadline for submission of the pre-proposal is July 20th 2009. The deadline for submission of the full-proposal is November 1st 2009.    


Appendix 1: Required Format for the Full-Proposal

The programme should be written according to the DPI format given below. It should be limited to maximum 15 A4 pages. It should at least comprise the points 1.1 – 1.14 (see hereafter). A clarification, given separately in a free text format as addendum, may elucidate how the programme specifically fits the DPI Fellowship criteria or provide further programme details.

Descriptive part: of the full-proposal

1.1  Title
1.2  Acronym
1.3  Technology Area: Corporate Research
1.4  Research schools in which the research group participates (PTN, NIOK, OSPT, EPL,..)
1.5  Institute: University/group, Research Institute/department
1.6  Applicant: The candidate  

Scientific part:

1.7  Summary of proposed research plan
1.8  Introduction; description of the current (international) state of the art. Please add crucial literature (including patents) references as addendum where applicable
1.9  Research strategy and targets of the applicant for the coming 10 years
1.10 Scientific and technological approach; proposed work plan (4 years); please describe how this fits into the strategy described under 1.9

1.11 Innovative aspects and potential impact; also specify potential pplications/impact on applications
1.12 Co-operation along the chain of knowledge with academia and/or industrial partners relevant for the execution of the project; potential follow-up projects/partners for valorization
1.13 Suggestions for independent referees for the proposal   

1.14 Requested budget for:
Research Staff: number and role of researchers, (duration: 4 years)
Equipment and purchased analysis time for very special analytical techniques (>10 k€) with motivation
